Our experience and the knowledge of our teams allow us to propose specific solutions to improve the installation process.
- Study of your type of regulation and optimise or modify to adapt to your request
- Regulation of flow (programmed)
- Regulation of report air / gas
- Regulation in constant air
- Regulation with control of atmosphere
- Adjustment of report air / gas
- Balancing of burners
- Optimization of the organs of regulation (valves, electrovalves, burners…)
Refractory lining
- Statements and study of current lining
- Establishment of heat balances
- Optimization of the thermal exchanges for improvement of your process
- Study and conception of lining better adapted to the process
- Optimization of your loads (products and supports)
Recycling of heat and treatment of smokes
- Recycling of hot air for dryers or steamers
- Heat exchanger of temperature for preheat air burners/li>
- Heat exchanger of air / water
- Treatment of smoke (filtration or post combustion)
Our technicians benefit from an experience of more than 20 years with process improvement and are there to bring you technical help during your steps of improvement.
Travels of our teams on any site (France, Europe and foreign countries)
REFRACTORY THERMIC SERVICES self-impose requirements and strive to listen to you , advise you for all kinds of needs you have, to respect time frames and assure the quality of work with a qualified, experienced and well formed team.
Our team has extensive experience and knowledge of Coudamy kilns. We can carry out urgent repairs to all types of Coudamy kilns including refractory lining, electricity, automation, regulation and combustion.